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Venous Insufficiency

Condition in which veins have difficulties in returning blood to heart from legs is known as venous insufficiency. If the condition continue for a prolong period it result in Chronic Venous Insufficiency which subsequently leads to multiple disease and complications.

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Varicose Vein

The World Health Organisation defines varicose veins as “Saccular dilatation of the veins which are often tortuous.”Spider veins    Reticular veins    

Feeder veins Varicose veins Swelling of lower legs 

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Hyperpigmentation In CVI

Hyperpigmentation is darken patches than the surrounding skin or nail colour initiated by sun burn, inflammation and skin injury by increased melanin. Whereas hyperpigmentation, involving increase melanin (skin colouring agent) as well as deposition of Hemosiderin (iron-storage complex) probable cause for skin change phases due to CVI and if left untreated or progression leads to skin damage towards lipodermatosclerosis and ulceration.

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Venous Ulcers

Ulcers are wounds which are not caused due to external injury rather caused as a complication of any persisting condition or disease. Pathology is complex and multifactorial, involves genetic, physiological, environmental, hormones, cellular, endothelial dysfunction, chronic inflammation and vein wall defects etc., contributes either predisposing or accelerating or contributing for venous ulcers.

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Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is the manifestation of Venous thromboembolism (VTE) i.e., blood clot / clots in one or more deep vein, incidences of 8 to 20% is seen. Most commonly the calf or thigh leading to symptoms like pain, swelling, redness, enlarged veins in the affected area, but some DVTs have no symptoms.

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Lipodermatosclerosis is inflammatory skin condition of legs, due to inflammation of fat layer beneath skin with underlying cause of “chronic venous insufficiency”. As it results in subcutaneous fibrosis, it is also known as sclerosing panniculitis and hypodermitis scleroderma formis

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